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Board Game Online Donation Rewards

Donations > Donation Rewards

Donation Rewards

NOTE: When you make a donation you earn all the rewards up to that amount. Making additional donations later will increase your old amount accordingly.

Personal Rewards

€1.00 Golden Name: Lobby
Your name becomes [Gold] in the lobby.
€1.00 Donator Horn
You get a new donator item: The Donator Horn. It allows you to make a HONK HONK sound, for those special moments! Has three charges per game. Click the Horn to try it!
€3.00 Join Quote (In-Game)
Choose your own join quote, which is displayed when you join a game.
[Jack] has joined the game!
'Let's get ready to rumble, bitches!'
€4.00 Increased PM Limit
Your daily PM limit is increased from 25 to 50!
€5.00 Captain's Hat
You unlock this special Pawn Hat!
€7.00 Suffix Title (In-Game)
You can set your own personal suffix title, which appears right after your name in the game. Have you always wanted to be Billy The Kid or Bert The Mighty? Here's your chance!
€9.00 Double Classes
You can select a new game option which is coupled with Instant Classes. It guarantees a second Classes event at round 10, resulting in all players receiving a second class!
€10.00 Chat Text Options (In-Game)
You can set your own personal chat settings. You can choose a color and a font to make your chat messages look cooler.
Everybody loves pink!
Or how about some oldschool console style?
Maybe something more artistic?
€10.00 Sound Blaster 1000 (In-Game)
This awesome Sound Blaster can be used to play sounds! This version contains 31 unique sounds!
5 charges per game. Click the Sound Blaster to try out one of its sounds or test them all!
€10.00 Donator Chests
You can open Donator Chests when you level up! These chests contain unique and rare rewards.
€15.00 Sound Blaster 1500 (In-Game)
This upgraded version of the Sound Blaster can be used to play sounds! This version contains 60 unique sounds!
10 charges per game. Click the Sound Blaster to try out one of its sounds or test them all!
€20.00 Game Option - Pick Classes
You can pick exactly which classes will be present in-game. You can now disable that pesky class you hate or make a Priest-only game!
€25.00 Sound Blaster 2500 (In-Game)
This upgraded version of the Sound Blaster can be used to play sounds! This version contains 87 unique sounds!
15 charges per game. Click the Sound Blaster to try out one of its sounds or test them all!
€50.00 Sound Blaster 5000 (In-Game)
This upgraded version of the Sound Blaster can be used to play sounds! This version contains 114 unique sounds!
20 charges per game. Click the Sound Blaster to try out one of its sounds or test them all!
€100.00 Sound Blaster 10,000 Deluxe (In-Game)
This upgraded version of the Sound Blaster can be used to play sounds! This version contains 139 unique sounds!
25 charges per game. Click the Sound Blaster to try out one of its sounds or test them all!
€100.00 Lobby Title
You can set your own personal title, which can be a prefix or a suffix, in the lobby. Everyone shalt behold thine glory!
€100.00 Barbaron Skin
You unlock the Barbaron skin for the Barbarian class! Comes with special voice lines for its skills! Roar, I say! Roar!
€500.00 Custom Designed Item!
This is an exclusive reward for our ultimate donators! You get to design an item with the developers of BGO!
  • The item will be a rare occurrence in the game, so it will have a small chance to appear in the Pawn Shop, Reinforcements, Multiversal Flux and / or other similar parts of the game.
  • The developers of BGO have the final say in the specifics of this item. We'd love to make it exactly like you propose, but there may be technical or ethical reasons not to. Then again, we are the same people who created penis demons, so yeah.
  • The item will be custom drawn by our artist Yel Zamor!
  • We will implement your item as soon as possible, but we cannot give any guarantee about the time frame. It's entirely possible that Yel gets a severe case of butt flu, after all!
  • You will be mentioned as the creator of this item in its tooltip, so you can link it to all your friends to make them rage with jealousy!
  • Have a look at what others have made!

You can select them in your Settings.

Game Content Rewards

In addition, some extra content is unlocked based on the total amount donated by all players in a game. Here's the list:

Total DonatedExtra Content
€5.00 Class: Illusionist
The Illusionist is a slippery class that excels at confusing other players. Kill other players with Deadly Illusions and surprise your enemies when you make your Grand Appearance, only to disappear shortly after!
€10.00 Class: Lawyer
Lawyers can be really annoying when they use their OBJECTION! skill to interrupt other players! They can also sue their enemies or wiggle their way out of Trivia Questions.
€12.50 Class: Time Twister
Time Twisters manipulate the variables of time and space around them to keep themselves steady or to halt the progression of those around them. They are especially adept at causing other players to fight each other from a long range!
€15.00 Class: Druid
The Druid is a powerful shapeshifter with 4 unique animal forms, each with their own passive and skill! Become a Druid and you'll be the master of versatility!
€17.50 Class: Enchanter
The Enchanter is a real magic user, adept at enchanting their items with various magical properties. Become an Enchanter and you'll cast spells all day long!
€20.00 Class: Warlock
Warlocks are evil, unpredictable and destructive. Harvest power from magical items to power your own chaotic magic! Become a Warlock and all mortals will bow before you and your army of demons!

BG Coins

Donating also earns you BG Coins. Every euro you donate counts as 100 BG Coins. You can spend BG Coins in the BG Shop as well as on a few flavor options in-game.